Qualities of a Good President


This week we celebrate Presidentโ€™s Day.ย ย  What qualities do you think a president should have? What kind of person makes a great leader?

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

11 thoughts on “Qualities of a Good President

  1. The qualities that a president should have is intelligence, kindness, excellence, and leadership. The type of person that will make a great leader. Is they have to be relaxed to deal with issues. Persuasive to tell other leaders about to do their ideas. Smart to deal with mathematical issues you need to do math. These are they qualities a great leader should have

  2. The qualities a president should have is kindness, leadership, intelligence, and bravery. The kind of person that makes a great leader is someone who is smart, confident, honest, responsible, heroic, fearless, and unstoppable. That,s what makes a good president.

  3. I think that the president should have intelligence,kindness ,and helpful because I think that as a president you need to do what ever it takes to be a president for the United States

  4. I think presidents should have a good behavior, they should help people,they should be smart,and they should have kindness.What makes a good leader is to help other people andgive so e money to por people.๐Ÿ˜€

  5. I think they should have kindness as a president because a president is very responsible and has a lot of things to do and has to do those things.He also has to be nice for the people who work for him.A responsible leader makes a good leader.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜„

  6. I think the qualities are fair rules and very nice plus careful and a person who will do something that is good for our country or state.Barack Obama has all those qualities that’s what makes him a very good president

  7. I think a president needs to be responsible have a good leadership and listen to what people think the rights should be and make the people vote if they agree or not

  8. A president should have leadership, kindness, courage, be brave. To be a good leader you should be confident, brave, kind

  9. I think Presidents should be good to everyone, this will make him or her a good leader. They should treat everyone the same and help the people who need help.They would be the ones voted for President, then people would always want them to be President.

  10. I think a good president should listen to the people to see what they need so he can provided what’s the best for everybody, that’s for me a good leader. Not the one that does what’s better for him self only.โ˜บ

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