What’s in a Name?


If you could change your name, would you?  If you could choose a name that had a meaning like Bright Morning, Tall Boy, or Old Bear, what would you choose for your name?  Why?

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

10 thoughts on “What’s in a Name?

  1. Yes, I would change my name to make my name more meaningful. If I could change my name to something that had a meaning it would be Mystery Flower. Because I think the flower represents me blooming into learning more things. The mystery part represents me barely learning new things which would be a mystery to me about what I would learn.

  2. Yes I would change my name, I would change it to Grasshopper, because so everyone would know me. I like to hop, and if anyone would look for me, they would ask and I would tell them I am Grasshopper I am not who they think I am.

  3. I would change my name to mr incredible 1 of all he is my favorite when I was little and I could also have the superpowers he had exept fatness but I will work alone to show the whole world what I can do.i will also be able to be on tv but I mostly want to save everything of Los Angeles and I will be sorry that I won’t go to another state I won’t go because Los Angeles is where I live and I know I will be awesome than everybody but I can’t make Thankyou very very very much good buy don’t trie to miss me to much.

  4. My name would be speedy and it will mean because I ran from a steeler and saved someone. That’s what my name would be the best name

  5. If I could change my name I would like a name like star or Celeste.I would like to change because I like Celeste and star from the sky.🌟⭐️

  6. Yes I would want to change my name to Crystal because it it so beautiful and I would like to have that name.😊😌💙👍(^.^)

  7. I wouldn’t like to but if I had it would be game boy because I love video games and their fun to play and it was one of the first video games in the old times so that’s what my name would change to

  8. No I would not like to change my name.I wouldn’t like to change it because my mother gave me my name for a reason.But if I did want to change my name I would change it to Maddison.

  9. If I can change my name it would be Dark Sky because it sounds like a strong name.I would like this name because it sounds cool and threatening to other tribes so they won’t attack us.Also if I change my name it would be cool to have a different name than Ervin.

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