Lies, Lies, Lies


Think about all the lies Marty has been telling.  Is it ok for him to tell these lies?  Are there times when telling a lie is the right thing to do?  If so, when?

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

22 thoughts on “Lies, Lies, Lies

  1. I think its ok that he is saying lies because he is doing it for a good cause and for someone he really loves

  2. I think it’s wrong to lie because he is lying to his parents about getting full so he could give it to Shiloh.Sometimes it is okay because Marty is lying to keep Shiloh safe.

  3. I think it is not okay to lie. I think there are some times when its okay to lie like for when younger helping someone or when you are keeping someone out of trouble.

  4. I’m in the middle because its not good to lie ,and I also think it is good because he is saving Marty from Judd.

  5. I think it is not okay to lie. I think there are some times when its okay to lie like for when you are helping someone or when you are keeping someone out of trouble.

  6. I think it’s ok for Marty to lie because he’s lying to keep Shiloh safe from getting heat from Judd and feeding Shiloh.At some points in the story it is ok for Marty to lie and at some points there weren’t.

  7. I think it is sort of okay for him to tell these lies because he is saving the life of a dog .But I also think he should tell his sisters so at least they could know and he won’t have to worry about telling he has shiloh.

  8. I think its okay because he wants good for the dog and Marty doesn’t want him abused by Judd. I also think he should at least tell someone because he is going to keep being worried about keeping Shiloh.

  9. I think it’s okay that he is telling a few lies, but not all of them.Like, he didn’t need to lie to Dara Lynn about the snakes JUST to keep Shiloh hidden.But, there are some times when you can lie to keep some one you love, safe.One time you can lie is when some one you really care about is going to get hurt or going to get severely yelled or screamed at.

  10. I don’t think it is good for him to lie because when they find out they aren’t gowing to not trust them and i think it maybe for a good cause. And yes like when someone say do i look fat you don’t what to make them sad.

  11. I don’t think that telling a lie is not a good thing. Because when you lie you can really get some one or some person in trouble.I think you can only lie if it is a very rough time. Not just if you don’t want to get in trouble. Its better to tell the truth and get in trouble then be called a lier.

  12. Well i think it’s ok for him to lie because he’s lying in a good purpose. Because he lies to save a dog because Judd is the owner of Shiloh and Judd abused Shiloh and Shiloh runs away and meets Marty. So Marty lies to his parents that he gets full at dinner but get hungry at night. And in that time he sneak out and give his leftover food to Shiloh. But Marty only eats half his food but he is starving so all his lies and lie and lies he some time he didn’t feel that bad but not good because he saving Shiloh so he is sad that he has to lie. So thats my opinion.

  13. I think Marty is not really lying because if he is taking care of someone who is in danger or hurt for that you really need to lie but if its just for nothing you don’t need to lie but he is kind of lying because he is getting in to much trouble and his life is getting more complicated and maybe someone will know and the trouble will begin.

  14. I think its not ok for Marty to be lying because when Judd finds out that Marty has Shiloh he’s gonna get real angry at Marty.

  15. I think its ok to lie becacause he is doing and saying all theas lies to protect Shiloh so I think that its ok to lie.

  16. Sometimes it is good to lie like if your trying to feed someone and your parents don’t know its ok to lie because your trying to do something nice for someone or something . And sometimes it is bad to lie like if your trying to do something you are not suppose to do that is a bad time to lie .

  17. I think it’s kind of okay sometimes to lie because what if you don’t want your mom to know what you were doing like helping someone or something that your mom is probably going to tell “You don’t ever help strangers or a stray dogs ever again.

  18. I think Marty is lies are ok because he’s trying to keep shiloh getting beat by judd but at the same time he is starving him self.

  19. I think he shouldn’t lie to his family because he would get in big trouble and at the same way it kind of nice of Marty that he saving shiloh by not getting shiloh hurt by judd.

  20. I think he is lying for a good cause and not lying for a bad cause . I think Marty is doing the to do and pluse Marty is trying to keep Shiloh away from Judd

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