Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

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If you were in Bright Morning’s and her tribe’s position, do you think you would be optimistic, or positive, like her father or pessimistic, or negative, like her mother?  Explain WHY in detail.



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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

11 thoughts on “Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

  1. I would rather be like Bright Morning’s dad because he is positive and not giving up. Instead of being negative like her mother and not positive. So I would be more optimistic.

  2. I would be like Bright Morning’s father because he never gives up he follows his dreams. He never stops being positive. He always try’s to be happy and calm.

  3. I would like to go to bright mornings father because he still has hope he could have a brand new home better than the ones they have and use to have

  4. I would be, like Bright Morning’s father because he is positive and optimistic. I would be great because I would be believing in myself. Even if I wasn’t always right, I would be doing things the best that I could. I wouldn’t be a liar and I will be a good man.

  5. I would be pessimist because all that she went through for example when she got kidnaped or when she got cought by the Long nives and all the other challenges

  6. I think I would be like the mom because is by nature that you will be negative about the situation,it is really hard to be the way the father by being positive.

  7. I would be like her father because he is always positive and not negative like ber mother. 😀

  8. I would rather be optimistic like her and her dad. Because you should always look on the bright side of things. Instead of just think about the future and dieing all the time. So I’d rather be happy in the bad times because there is always a bright side. So I’d rather be optimistic than pessimistic like her mom.

  9. I would rather be optimistic like Bright Mornings father because he is positive and never gives up . Her mother is all negative to every thing she says and not at all positive thing about her only negative things. So,that why I be optimistic instead pessimistic like her mother.

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