Whose land is it anyway?


Do you think the government should have a right to take land away from a group of people even if they have been living there for hundreds of years?  How would you feel if you were kicked off your land and made to move somewhere unknown?  What would you do to resist or fight back?

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

10 thoughts on “Whose land is it anyway?

  1. No, I don’t the government should have the right to take away land from a group of people even if they live there for hundreds of years. It’s not fair for the people that live their.

  2. I would feel kind of scared because I’m moving to a whole different land that I don’t know about, and my family might not survive. Moving into a new land might mean walking into a death trap. I mean we don’t know anything about this land, so we could have a lot of trouble in this new land.

  3. First I would try to find a way to escape. Next I would hide for a couple of years, and gather an army. Last I would attack them to get our land back.

  4. No, I think the government should not have the right to take away land from a group of people even if they’ve been living there for hundreds of years because it’s like they own the land the are on, since they have been living there for hundreds of years. I would be mad because I don’t know how the weather is like, if I could grow anything there, if there is water, or if there are dangerous animals there.

  5. What I would do to fight back is gather an army of men to fight back to get our land back.

  6. I would fight for what is mine because it is disrespectful because the government can’t do that to people maybe they will not adapt to were will be going to go.

  7. I don’t think they should take away there land because what did they do nothing they we’re live happy but the government just took away there land. And I would get them back by planning a lot and then fight for there land back by making stuff a little different and doing it a lot of times until they get what they want and that’s what I will do.

  8. No, the government dose not have the right to take away land from people who lived their for hundreds of years because they lived there all their lives and I think the government should at least ask the people if they can have the land and if they don’t agree then the government can’t take their land. I would feel mad and scared because we don’t know where we’re gonna live is safe.

  9. 1:I think that if the government takes land from people that lived their for hundreds of years they should have the right to keep their land or fight for it. 2:I would feel scared because I don’t know anything about the land they are sending us to.I also will feel sad because they are sending us to a different land. I will set up gards that hide and come out when there are invaders at the land and if that does’t work I would get a squad and go up the mountain and use a bow and arrow to snipe them.

  10. I would feel very sad and very frustrated.If I were kicked off my land I would find a way to fight back.And that way would be to not move and if they hit me I would just hope that someone would stand up for me.

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