Should he keep Judd’s secret?

Is it wrong for Marty to keep Judd’s poaching (killing deer out of season) a secret so that he can keep Shiloh?  Why or why not?  Explain your opinion.

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

4 thoughts on “Should he keep Judd’s secret?

  1. Well Marty shouldn’t lie because Judd might keep killing deer out of season but not only deer also doe and also he did it and did it because he hade been working really hard to keep Shiloh and if he told the game worden they might not believe him and Judd would keep Shiloh and probably kill him so my opinion he did good at keeping a secret abaute that Judd killd a doe because later they might catch him killing a animal out of season

  2. I think it is not a good idea to keep hiding Judd’s secret because Judd might keep killing deer out of season .

  3. Yes it is wrong because Judd might keep on doing it and think that Marty isn’t going to tell anyone.I also think it’s wrong because Marty is telling another lie that could be bad.I also think it’s bad because he should really tell the game warden instead of keeping a secret

  4. I think that Marty should keep Judd’s secret because he can keep Shiloh ,but if he kills another deer and it is a doe Marty should tell the game warden that he killed a deer out of seisen and it was a doe.

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