Your Plan for Shiloh


Imagine you’re Marty.  You can’t keep Shiloh, but you don’t want to give him back to Judd either.  What plan would you make for Shiloh that is DIFFERENT than one of the plans Marty already came up with.  Explain clearly what you would do.

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

20 thoughts on “Your Plan for Shiloh

  1. I would find a place that Judd will never go to because Judd goes to closer places like Friendly. Some where like a forest so he will be free of Judd because Judd will hurt him.

  2. My plan is that i will tell my best friend. And tell my mom . And then my mom could tell my dad. That to hide that dog from Judd or to sale it to some persons or to let someone find it.

  3. I will give shiloh to one of my friends because I think that my friend would take good care of that dog.

  4. What i will do is take Shiloh to Friendly go to the pet store and leave him their but i will make an excuse so i can go see Shiloh and bring him food and toys so he can play with. But it will be hard, because i have to make up an excuse to go to Friendly

  5. I would go to Friendly then go to the pet store in Friendly. I would tell the pet store owner to at least keep Shiloh there for a few days or until someone wants to buy him. Then if someone doesn’t want to buy him I’ll just probably let Shiloh loose in the woods far far away from Marty’s house and Judd’s house. Then Shiloh could be free from all the troubles and live free.

  6. If I had to give Shiloh back to Judd Travers but I didn’t want to I would take Shiloh up to my house and keep him in my room .And when my parents aren’t home I would take Shiloh out to play.Or if I couldn’t find a way to take Shiloh I would constantly be at Judd Traver’s house secretly checking on Shiloh.

  7. What i would do is keep shilo but tell ma first.Then i will tell pa next i would tell them everything judd old me he would do if he ever found shilo.

  8. I would hide him in the back of the house near the chickens.thats would I would do fore shiloh to keep him safe. don’t let judd see him again.

  9. What my plan would be to keep Shiloh and not give Shiloh back to Judd is I would get my stuff and get Shiloh and leave my home. Even though I don’t know were I am going to go. If I love an animal I would never let him go even though it is not mine. If not I would be crying the hole time.

  10. If I was Marty my plan would be that I will hide Shiloh in a very good spot.A other plan would be that I would go to the vet and tell them to take care of Shiloh and he is not for sell because I gust came to leave him so they would take care of him.I would take care of him.I would do anything I could do.

  11. If i was Marty i would sell shiloh but i would have to give it to someone that would treat shiloh very well. I would have to give it to stranger but i would have to know that person and be around for I can know If there good for shiloh. I need that person to feed shiloh good and treat them and i need them to go out of town for nobody will treat shiloh bad again.

  12. If I was Marty i will do is to move to different place to live,and then you be safe then make him a new pen for Shiloh then Marty will not be scared of Judd finding Shiloh any more.

  13. If I was Marty I would call my grandma or my grandpa. Also I would tell them that I found a dog.Then I would say can one of you take the dog.That is what I would do. (Tony)

  14. I would make a little house in the woods or find a new hill for shiloh and I would make sure it can’t be ruined by any thing . And i would make sure Judd Traver will never find out where shiloh is.

  15. If i hade shiloh and i hade to give shiloh to judd what i will do is keep shiloh in my house hiding in the living room.and i will also take shiloh up the hill so judd will not find shiloh.and also what i will do is hid shiloh away from judd because judd just whant’s to take shiloh away from him so thats way i will hide shiloh.

  16. first i will take him with someone i know and trust but i will take shiloh the opposite direction from the one that judd drives then i will visit him twice a week or more by telling I’m going to davids house but I’m going to the person i thrust to keep shiloh to see him

  17. I would write a sign go to a park and find a kid who will like a dog and tell him or her that this dog will always be in your heart and will also be your best friend.

  18. Step1# I would put Shiloh in a box that has holes in it. Step2# Put plenty of food, water, and some gunnysacks in the box. Step3# Take the box to friendly, but far away from Judd Travers home. Step4# Write free dog on the , close the box, and leave the box right next to house so lots f people can see Shiloh, and take him home.

  19. I will tell one of my friend’s If I can put Shiloh here and if he asked if it’s yours I will tell him yes and say that it is a present from an other friend.When I was finish hiding Shiloh I would tell my friend to not tell any one.While my friend is taking care of Shiloh I will be thinking of another way to hide Shiloh because he might tell someone.

  20. I would dress shiloh so people and Judd won’t know if it is him ,so then I take him to friendly and into the woods and build another pen and go home and bring a lot of food and build a bowl for his food.

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