Marty’s problems


At the beginning of Chapter 5, Marty considers three immediate problems – keeping Shiloh hidden, keeping the dog quiet, and getting food to the dog.  Write a summary of how Marty handles these problems.

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

21 thoughts on “Marty’s problems

  1. He keeps Shiloh hidden by doing a lie by omission which keeps Shiloh safe. Every time Marty comes he yelps but he just shushes him and he know not to bark. He tricks his by saying he will be hungry later so after that he said he going to practice but thats an excuse to give the food to Shiloh.

  2. he help Shillo hide buy taken him to the top of a hill for no no one can here him. And Mart Keps Shilo quiet by telling him he is a smart dog he will understand.And he gives food to shilo by every night at dinner when he is dun eating he puts it in a little plastic bag and takes it to shill for her could eat.

  3. Problem 1 Marty can keep shiloh hidden is because Marty choose a spot where Judd Travers doesn’t go hunting.Problem 2 Marty keeps shiloh quiet by saying Shhh. Problem 3 Marty could get shiloh food because him and his family were eating dinner he wanted to save it for shiloh so he said that he was going to practice on his aim.

  4. How Marty keeps Shiloh hidden is that Marty built a pen for Shiloh up on his hill between some bushes to keep Shiloh hidden in his pen. Marty keeps Shiloh quiet by telling him Shhh! then Shiloh becomes quiet and then stops making noise. Marty brings food to Shiloh by tricking and lying to his parents that he gets hungry somewhere near night so he kept some of his food in the fridge to give to Shiloh later on.

  5. He keeps Shiloh hidden by making him a pin on top of a hill. Well shiloh dose not bark so most of the time he is quite. Marty feeds Shiloh by getting left overs from the table and feeds him to shiloh.

  6. Marty can solve his problems by sneaking some food out of his house to give to Shiloh for his food so Shiloh could eat something or else he would starve over night and in the day the next day he would go bring some more food to shiloh so he can eat it and not be starving everyday .

  7. How Marty hides Shiloh: The way that Marty hid Shiloh is that Marty built a pen for Shiloh up in a hill.

    How Marty keeps Shiloh quiet:The way that Marty keeps Shiloh quiet is by making the noise”SHHH”

    How Marty feeds Shiloh:The way that Marty feeds Shiloh is simple because all Marty needs to do is make excuses for his family so that he can go up the hill to feed Shiloh.

  8. Marty keeps shiloh hidden by hungrier is when Marty says that he get full at dinner,then in the night he get hungry again.On the other hand Marty

  9. Joseph’s reply:

    He keeps shiloh and hidden him in the top of the mortion. marty tell shiloh to be quiet. marty tell his mom he get before bed and sneak out to feed shiloh

  10. He keeps him quiet by taking him to the hill and eat for his mom can’t see him. And also he keeps him hidden from judd also he keeps him in his lithe pen and also he gives him food by telling his mom that he is hungry again and he gives shiloh the food

  11. on part one it said that marty is going to be in big problems because he brote shiloh to the house.and also it said that after martys mom woke up marty ranned to the tope of the hill.and marty ranked because he was going to get in troople so he got scared and ranned to the tope of the hill so his mom won’t find him anymore because he got shiloh.

  12. I am going to tell you how Marty keeps shiloh hidden, and quiet ,and how he gets food to shiloh. Marty keeps Shiloh hidden by making him a pen by using stuff that his dad uses sometimes.Shiloh is quiet already like he lost his bark and Marty always tells him shh so Marty won’t have that much problem of keeping him quiet.Marty will probably have a hard time giving him food because he is going to have to make up an excuse to give shiloh food every day,but also what if Marty is never full of dinner and he still gives it to the dog Marty might get sick.

  13. He keeps Shiloh hidden up in a mountain and he even made him a pen where he sleeps.He keeps Shiloh quiet by shushing him.He gets food by when he wakes up and at dinner he tells his mom that he gets full in dinner and before he go to bed.

  14. Matty hids shiloh in the hill because for his family can not no that shiloh is there in the yard.
    Matty keps shiloh quiet by take in him for a run and give him food in the morning and night.
    Matty gives him food by not letting his mom no and lie to her and his family.

  15. Keeping Shiloh hidden-
    He kept Shiloh hidden by making him a pen up in the hills.
    Keeping the dog quiet-
    He kept the dog quiet by giving him big hugs.

    Getting food to the dog-
    Marty got food to Shiloh by making up a lie to get food to Shiloh.

  16. Marty solves the first problem by taking Shiloh to the hill and building him a pen. Marty solves the second problem by telling Shiloh “Shh” whenever he starts to make a sound. Marty solves the second problem by giving food to Shiloh when Dad is gone, and when Ma, Dara Lynn,and Becky are a sleep. At night Marty says I get full after dinner and I get hungry later to get food to Shiloh.

  17. problem 1 he hits shiloh on a pin where judd can’t find him or see him and the second problem is he has to keep him quiet by telling shhh and keeping him safe and sound the third problem is he

  18. Marty keeps Shiloh hidden by building a pen for him so Shiloh won’t follow him and he won’t get caught with Shiloh,so he won’t have to give Shiloh back to Judd,so he won’t shoot him.Marty keeps Shiloh quit by giving him food,fresh water, spending a lot of time with him by runing around the meadow with Shiloh,petting him,and hugging him.Marty sneaks food for Shiloh from his family by telling them can I save food because before sleeping I get hungry.

  19. Marty keeps shiloh hidden by putting him in a pen that he made him so that shiloh is hidden from everyone. Marty keeps shiloh quiet by telling him “Shhh!” but as soon as Marty is in the pen shiloh’s leaping. Marty gives shiloh food

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