Keep Earth Clean!

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Think about things you can do to make Earth a cleaner place to live.  Write about some things you can do and tell how those things will help Earth.

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

7 thoughts on “Keep Earth Clean!

  1. The way you could keep earth clean is by recyclean. Always put your trash where it goes. Don’t throw anything on the floor. Don’t waste water try to save as much as we can. Try to save electricity and gas. Walk as much as you can your car smoke is dangerous to humans and animals. Let’s be organized and care for our earth and lives. Let’s keep our earth clean.

  2. The first way to help the earth is to stop using lot of water; because in the news are saying that we are running out of water, we have to think before we expend too much water . The next way to help the earth is to put all the things that we can recycling . The other way is to save electricity; because if we do not have power electricity we will be in the dark and now almost all people need electricity.
    We need to plant millions of millions of trees; because we need clean air and oxygen.

  3. Things I can do to make Earth a cleaner place to live is not to through trash when you go to places. You can also recycle.Also no glittery around living things like animals, plants , and Earths tree parts ,its land ,ocean , and air. Those things will help Earth because recycling is helpful by making more things and not glittery and not making a mess every where can make Earth a cleaner place to live in.

  4. These are all of the ways to help planet Earth. One you can conserve water by turning the faucet or taking short showers. We can all recycle plastic, cans, and paper instead of throwing it in the trash. We can also save gas and electricity by doing more outdoor activities and walking more. We should also take care of our plants and animals. Those are all the ways to help our planet Earth.

  5. If I want to keep our world clean we should not litter or eat when you don’t want to eat it don’t drop it or leave it there no one will eat it or drink a water bottles also recycle,reuse and reduce plastic things.

  6. I think we should recycle so we can not have any dumps.I think we should use both sides of the paper so we don’t cut down more trees.We also should not litter because we can ruin animal’s homes.We should try not to step on plants.Cars can cause pollution and smog.

  7. I can keep Earth clean by not littering, not wasting water and not wasting paper. I can also help keep Earth clean by educating people who don’t know about littering and clean up when I see trash on the floor.

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