The Unbreakable Code

The Unbreakable Code

Describe the author’s perspective about Navajo code talkers.  Explain how the story would change if the author felt differently.  

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

28 thoughts on “The Unbreakable Code

  1. Dear tenAy,
    Will you cmoe over to my ousoeh. You t’ond have to utb it doulw be thankful. If you do come ot ym house I tihkn we should lapy ym boxX 603. I was think to play usJt anecD 3 and Pltans S.V. bZoiesm. Ithink after hatt I can anil lipsoh your nails. I mprisoe you that you olduw have os much nuf henw you come to my house. Please come ! You can come on oManyd, euyasTd, and
    Wndeasyed. If you are coming to my house saelpe reply cbak.SYL!
    Your rFnied,

  2. ….













  3. dEra rkMa,

    vI didhne ym adync gba henid ym vt lgnao wot ilmloin daollras.ryT ot idnf ti yb ryFyad dna etg wot ktesi ot aHiwi.eeS ouy ta hcoosl uded.


  4. The story would change because the argue would give out so many detail about how the Navajo’s saved our country and how they were extermely impotent during the Civil War. Also the athour would of have not point out lots of important information about what the Navajo’s did.

  5. Yes I would if been a code talker because maybe it was hard to learn all those codes but maybe it we all worth it because they won the war and maybe it was fun. I would have happy and excited. I would of had all my courage to help them and I would have been reconized as a brave

  6. I think that the author felt that the Navajo people were very brave and important because after all that happened in the war the kept on going. If she didn’t feel this way she would have left out all of the positive things they did and put the negatives.

  7. Yes I would if been a code talker because maybe it was hard to learn all those codes but maybe it we all worth it because they won the war and maybe it was fun. I would have happy and excited. I would of had all my courage to help them and I would have been reconized as a brave person.

  8. The story would change because the author wouldn’t write the story and she wouldn’t say like how they helped their country and she wouldn’t care about the story

  9. She thinks they are important and she made a whole story about how they helped in the war. If she didn’t she would not write the story or she will not make it that intersting. Just like people say write what inspires you.

  10. The story would of changed because she wouldn’t have even wrote the first place and she maybe would not have been happy about the Navajo code talkers.

  11. I think the author’s perspective is that she is really impressed with the Navajo code talkers and believes they are very important. So I think the story would be different if the author didn’t have the positive feeling that she does she wouldn’t include all the important and brave things the Navajo code talkers did to save their country.

  12. The authors feels that the code talkers were brave and they fought for there freedom and they resed there lives to fight.

  13. The story would change because the athour’s feeling are always feels happy and brave to ecourage them.But this story is real.

  14. The author thinks the navajo code talkers are heroes because they saved our country.the story would chqnge because the author would think the code talkers wouldnt be heroes.

  15. I thinck they need more of about how they feel and they should show what going on in the story

  16. The authors feels that the code talkers were brave and they fought for there freedom and they resed there lives to fight for there coutry

  17. I think that the author felt the Navajo people brave and important and if she didn’t feel this way then maybe she wouldn’t even care about them during the war

  18. The author thinks that That they are brave and positive. And the story if she felt something diffrent she would have a diffrent story it wouldnt be about to never forget your own languege and have faith in yourself.

  19. I think the auther is really proud because not alot of them got killed and also they did not let the japanies people hear them.Also she is impressed of all of there hard work

  20. I think that the author’s perspective about the Navajo code talkers is that she thought that they were brave,strong,important,and impressed with them because they saved the country.

  21. She would say that langauge was decoded easly.also that they wont important.also that they weren’t heros.als0 that they weren’t special people.

  22. I think it will change because it wouldn’t have that much deatails about the navajo code talkers.

  23. The author thout that the navajo code fallers were brave and they help win the war and they fought for freedom.

  24. I think the authors’ perspective for the Navajo code talkers is that she thinks they are strong and brave’

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