Hibernating Bear

hibernating bear

If you were a hibernating bear, what would you dream about?  Write about the dreams you have while sleeping through the winter.

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

22 thoughts on “Hibernating Bear

  1. I would dream about hunting fish by myself so I could get more fish from any river I can find and go back to my cave.Then I would dream about hunting for deer so I wont have to hunt deer in the cold.I would also dream about having ma cub to take care of and feed.

  2. If I were a hibernating bear I would dream about fish. I would dream thatI catched a fish and that I found an igloo. I would also dream that I ate fish in an igloo. I would also dream I found a pond full of them. I would also dream of a castle made of fish. I would also dream that I found food. I would dream that I had lots of food. All I would dream about would be fish. Even though it would be wierd because I detest fish.

  3. If I were a bear I would dream that I went to the snow.I would stay on my cave and watch the people play and the snow go down.I would also play with my friends and walk around.I would also hunt fish in the rivers and eat.I will dream this because I would want to go to the snow again and have fun.

  4. I am a bear and I saw a man hunting bears because he killed one of our friends.Then he tried to kill me but I ran as fast as I can. Of all that running I got hungry. I ate some fish that came from the river.Then it was getting dark and I went to sleepin my own cave. Early in the moring I woke up and saw the man and I killed him. The other friends of him told us that they werent giong to hunt in this place anymore. So I went back to my cave and went to sleep all the time it was winter.

  5. If I were a hibernating bear
    what I would dream sleeping
    through the winter.I dream
    about Spring all the food I could eat.
    I could eat like FRUIT,NUTS,BERRIES
    and FISH.Also, I dream about
    the circus with me it jungling
    balls with a unicycle.Then
    I would dream to make
    bear friends ,and eat alot of
    fish.I dream about the
    NEW YEAR,the smellful
    flowers outside my cave,
    the birds wait for me outside
    to hear them sing a special song,
    and what a pretty day for dreams
    that any body could dream in winter.
    If you’re were a hibernating bear
    what would you dream?

  6. “I’m so exited! It’s my last day before hibernating. I bet I will sleep nice and cozy.”
    It was the next day I was dreaming about my friends and me playing in the nice warm sun in spring with lots of pretty flowers. Then we sat down in the sunset and I saw a magestical American Paint Horse running on the grass. It was very butiful with it’s hair running in the wind and it’s stompping going”Clickaty clack! Clickaty clack! Clickaty clack!” The rest of my days of slumber I dreamed about fishing with my parents and picking berries from bushed. Also playing in forest and fields with my friends.
    It was three of four weeks after my first day of hibernation. I was dreaming about when I was a baby cub going on my first days of fishing and picking berries to eat. Suddently I heard a big”Crack!”ecoing in the distance.I opened my eyes and saw a big light coming cl0ser and closer to me. Then I said cranckly”Grrrrrrrrr!” I got up from my cozy little spot and followed some humans. I roard and roard at them so they can go away and leave me alone. I scared them away so I walked back to my cave, found my cozy little spot, and fell back to sleep.
    Then I woke up exitedly and ran out my cave. I felt the warm sun beat bown in me. With butiful green grass and many colored flowers. Also many grown trees with flowers blossoming from branch from branch. That wwas the end of my hibernation.

  7. “I am so hungry, ohh, but I’m also very hungry”I said.” What should I do, go to sleep or-” But befor I finish I was already fast to sleep. Since I was so hungry, I was dreaming of deer and fish. The deer I was of big and orange with yellow, it was skipping away through the tall grass into the woods. I was so hungry that all I dreamed of was food on my hibernation!!

    When I woke up I cough a big deer exacly like the one I dreamed of, orange and yellow. I was eating it with please. I injoied the deer so much that I ate two more deer exacly the same

  8. If I were a bear I would be dreaming about many different things. I would go to a bee hive and eat all the honey in the hive. Then I’ll go by the flowing river and catch some yummy fish if I can. Then I’ll go off to the pretty flower field and lie on the flowers. After that I’ll go off to find someone to spend the day with. I’ll also go around the park and be super nice. Then I’ll try to do new things. Like be more nice, responsible, and make new freinds. If I find a picnic basket left behind I’ll eat what’s inside. Then I’ll take a nice nap under the shade of the apple tree. When I wake up I’ll take like 10 juicy apples to eat. Then I’ll go look for somewhere to spend the night. And I found a cozy cave with a fire already made. So I’ll fall asleep and have more dreams.

  9. ivan
    If I was a bear i would be dreaming about taking a swim and hunting a fish. I would also be dreaming about scaring people and scaring animals so Icould get a picnic basket. I would eat allot befor I hibernate and fun dtuff

  10. when I hibernateing I was dreaming that it was summer day . After a few hours I was looking for something to eat then I saw a big hive with alots of honey and no bees.

  11. Oh my god!I spot a prey ,but it’s snowing. I think I should hibernate now. While I was sleeping I had a crazy dream. When I was walking silently in the woods I saw a river. I saw a lot of Salmon ,type of fish,in the river is near by. I looked at the clear water and the fishes were swimming down the stream. I got closer and snatched one of the fishes from the river. It was delicious!!! The fish wasn’t enough for me ,so I began to hunt for a bigger prey which crossed my mind “I should get me some deer.” As I was looking I saw a herd of deer. I began to think to be caution because if I scared them they will run away from me.When they were distracted I kept an eye on one of the smallest deer. When they heard me coming they started to run away, but I kept an eye on my prey.After chasing it for a while it got tired and I was excited because I was going to have a feast not just a simply meal. I had many dreams in my life, but that was the one I will loved the most.

  12. If I were a bear I would dream about the piano and deer.I would dream”up next Berry!”said the introducer . “Rrrrrrrrroooooooooooaaaaaaaarrrrrrr” I yelled. ”Don’t be scared,she’s trained.”said the introducer. It was a talent show and I was playing the piano, witch does sound weird since I am a bear but don’t judge me or I will eat you!!! I played Fur-Elise flawlessly.I was so good that every one gave me fish and I had like a gazillion fish. I bowed down and then I chased everyone off and then I loled.

  13. If I were a hibernating bear I would have one great beautiful dream and this is how it will go.
    One cold dreary winter day, I woke up in the middle of winter because I was starving to death because I didn’t eat enough food. Suddenly I smelled a delicious something so I followed it and I saw a man cooking fish next to a river. So I waited until the man went to sleep but right when he was about to go to sleep I stepped on a twig and the man heard the noise but i got a rock fast and through it to the other side and the man went to go see what it was. After I went tiptoeing to the grill and saw cooked fish and ate it fast. Then I saw the man’s hat and I went running to my cave. My stomach was already filled of all that fish. So I got my blanket and fell asleep and woke up after winter finished

  14. If I were a bear and it were winter I would dream that I’d go outside my cave to the snow,go catch fish to eat.I would also eat honey,nuts,and more.Then I would also watch tv in my cave,get my pillow and blanket,then make some hot chocolate.After all that I would go outside my cave again and play with the snow.I would also go ice skating and have a lot of fun it was so freezing because it was winter.So then I would then go inside my cave get my pillow and blanket so that I could get ready to go to sleep,so I went to sleep and I had a good time.That is what I would do if I were a near and that is also what I would dream if it were winter.

  15. If I were hibernating bear I would be dreaming of
    the bigest fish of the year.I also dreamed that I was eating the berries and nuts I colected over the fall.I just couldn’t wait to the spring so I kept on dreaming about that.When it was the next day I got up ate brekfast and went back to sleep.

  16. What would I dream of in hibernation? I would mayby dream food, like when I get out of here (hibernating) or what will I see or smell, same old, same old, or something new, or maybe even what will I do when I get out of hibernation will I go straight to eat or go some where I usually don’t go. I would also dream of dreams like a dream could lead to a next dream coming or will I dream of something I usually don’t dream of like a person coming and petting me and me not doing anything.
    P.S. If I were to chose my favorite it would be the food dream becauase I like food.

  17. If I were a hibernation bear. I will dream about that I will eat alot of food. With all the food I have I will be a very very happy bear. I also dreamed that I went to the lake to catch fish and I will put my face in the water and I see more fishes. When I got a fish I ran to the woods and ate the fish. So dreaming of food will make me happy.

  18. If I were a hibernating bear I would dream of eating a lot of fish or a rabbit that runs in my cage. I was thinking if I would find a fish as big as meeeeee!wow was I dreaming! Well I gessI did.

  19. If I was a bear and I was hibernating for the cold winter I would dream about many things that would make a bear druel about making him crazy like other people. But after that I would collect food for my hibernation. I would dream about being in a night club and dancing to the music as a bear or maybe being in a party like normal people. My other dream can be about a waterfall of berries falling down and me swimming in it. Also about fishes swimming up from the water so I could catch them with my sharp teeth, play with my cup all around the forest, and I would dream about having all the food in the world. Like honey, nut, berries, and more. I would dream many other dreams like being in radio stations and doing talk shows. Those are some dreams I would do if I were a bear hibernating for the cold winter.

  20. If I were a hibbernating bear I would dream about fish in a stream or river.I would dream about eating fruit.I would dream about lots of other foods and runnig free in the wild all day long.I would dream about eating honey,berrys,nuts.I would be running through the woods most of the time.those are the dreams I would have if I were a hibbernating bear.

  21. If i were a hibernating bear i will dream about hunting fish because that what bear,s eat for there meal and i will dream me climbing up a tree and trying to drop a bee hive to eat honey then i will will go to my cave and eat my fish and my honey in peace and then go pick out berries from a bush and see animal,s when there not looking and run out to hunt the animal i want to eat and take to my cave and dream more of eating dirt before hibernating

  22. If I was a hibernating bear I would dream about a big river that has a billion fishes and there was a humongous fish.Then I dreamed I was eating it in my big cave.But I needed some honey.So I went out side to honey and secretly went back to my cave. And so then I thought to myself I could have more honey and more fish to keep me full.After that I demanded my bears to go get me some more honey and fish and even probably berries. Finally I had my meal and I enjoyed it.I had some leftovers so I gave them to my people who work for me.But sadly it was just a dream.That was what I would dream about.But it could always come true.and that’s my story.<3 =) (=

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