Caribbean Pen Pals

Imagine you have a pen pal who lives in Puerto Rico or another place in the Caribbean.  Write him/her a letter and describe a typical day at school.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

17 thoughts on “Caribbean Pen Pals

  1. If I have a pen pal in Puerto Rico my typical day was when we have a lots of homework , long days , when we have nasty food , and have homework on fridays.

  2. A tipical day in school would be like reading S.O.R Losers.Doing thePractiesBook,spelling,and the vocabulary.Doing the fluency writing a summary of the story.Going to recsses playing vollyball.Going to Mrs.Aiuiglar for 1:1o minuits for math.And going to lunch and reapeating recsses all over.Doing science then listen to the teacher read theB.F.G.And geting retty to leave home .This is like to be in a tipical day in school.

  3. Dear pen pal,
    Here is how a typical day at school would be like. First I would go to school and do daily language and S.O.R. Losers. When we are done reading we would start Language Arts. We would probably read a story and do practice book pages. After that we would go to recess. When the bell rang and recess was over we would go to Mrs. Aguilar for math. When math was over we would go to our own class and line up to go to lunch. When lunch recess was over we would go back to the class and do science. After science we would do read aloud. Then after read aloud it would finally be time to go home. that how a typical day at shcool would be like.

    Graciela Ponce

  4. I would like to tell my pen pal how a typical day is.We would have 5 subject.We would have English, math, writing, history, and science. We would also have recess and lunch.The parents pick up the children when the day is over for the school.That is mostly what happens in a typical school day.

  5. Dear pen pal,

    This is how a typical day will be. We will wake up and we will take a shower. Then we will get dressed and we will eat. Then we will brush our teeth and we will go to school and when we get there the bell will ring and we will trade classes and we will read a book called S.O.R Losers. Then we will check homework. Then we will do math and then we will go to Ms. Nagi. After we will go to lunch and eat. Then when we come back we will do some math. After we will do social studies . Then we will dance thriller. Then the bell will ring and we will go home. This is how a typical day will be.

    Ayten Celik

  6. A typical day at school wold be having lots of fun. Doing math,science, and many other things. We always do something on the computer. Oh did I mention I have a teacher named Ms.Ngai she is so nice, I really really like her. I also have Ms.Agular as my math teacher. I only spend 70 minutes with her in the hole day.I go with her after recess. These are some things I do morning like daily language, reads.o.r. losers, and read a big book, and spelling, and many more things after that. Then on Friday afternoon we have reward time, but you can’t have your name on the board. You also have to have all of your homework done. If you have completed both of those things you get a treat and have 20-30 minutes 9of reward time. We also have a blog. We answer questions or write stories. But we go through steps like brainstorm, draft, and revise, and publish on the blog. That would be a typical day at school.

  7. A typical day at school would be so exiting and fun.First what we do is that we do daily language and when we are finish we read S.O.R Losers.Then we do spelling,vocabulary,writing,language arts,read California Tresures,and after recess we would go to Ms.Agular’s class for math.On friday in the afternoon we have reward time and the ones that don’t follow the rules will get thier name on the board and if you didn’t do your homework you won’t get reward time.That will be my typical day at school.

  8. October 13 2011 DearPenPal, A typical day for me would be for me is first we would read S.O.R Losers then we would do some Language Arts for 30 minutes or so and then we would do some Math for 45 minutes. After Math we go to recess for 20 minutes and go back in the classroom to get some stuff to go to Mrs.Ngai’s class for 1 hour. Then we would get our lunch ticket and go to lunch.After lunch we go to our class and on Mondays, and Tuesdays we do social studies,and on Wednesday, Thursday,and Friday we do science then after that it is time to go home that would be a typical day for me pen pal.

  9. A Typical Day at School
    First you would wake up get dressed, eat,and brush your teeth before you go to school. Then you would go to school and wait for the bell to ring and for your teacher to come. Next you would go to class and do whatever you do in the morning. After you would go to recess at the time you go. When recess is over get in line and go to class and get your work done or whatever you do. Then you would go to lunch and lunch recess and agian get in line and go to class Finally we would go home at 2:19.

  10. Dear Evelynn,
    Today was a typical day at school.I did daily language and read S.O.R. Losers.I read a story in the treasuers book.It was recces time and I played volleyball.In math today we were doing divison.It was so fun!After math it was lunch and I ate my sandwich.we got in the classroom and it was fresh.We did science and after we fineshed Mrs.Ngai read the BFG.It was super fun.
    Your friend

  11. Dear lidia, how are you I haven’t seen you since 5th grade. What school do you go to?I go to montara Ave.Iam a 9th grader.How is your family? my family is ok.Have you seesn our best friends Jazmin or Alejandra?I Saw Jazmin at the mall and I saw Alejandra at the park.I saw mark at the market with his sister amy ,and his brother.They were talking with Javier ,and Ivan.Lidia , do you still live in your apartment? I don’t live in my apartment, I live in a big house. But if you still live in your same house .Lidia do you still sell Pinatas, but if you do can I buy two pinatas. It is because it is almost my birthday and I want two . I hope I can see you some where. CAn you dend me a letter, please I want to cumunicate with you. Can I also have your Phone number because I want to call you, and we can plan seeing each other ath a mall or a park or even a beach.

  12. A typical day at school, like today I went to a eld class,and took a test.I went back tomy class and learned devision,and language arts. Later I go to recess for 20 minutes. Then I get in line to go back to class.I pike up my books,and go to mrs Ngai and learn English, the class takes about a hour. After mrs ngais class I go back to my class, and get ready for lunch . I go back to my class to learn science. Before we go home Mrs Aguilar goes over the home work and then we get ready to go home.

  13. Dear pen pal,
    You are my best friend.It will be a typical day at school if you were here and if we could play and talk to
    each other.It would also be a typical day if all our friends were here and it would be more fun to play with.If you were here then we would play handball,volleyball,and jumprope.At school we would also run laps and exercise alot.After school we could borrow card games and board games.We would also paint on paper and we could also color on color books.It would be very fun if alot of that would happen at school.It would be very fun to play with you.
    Your best friend,
    Joanna Cisneros

  14. Dear Pen Pal,

    Hi I am a fourth grader named Javier who goes to Montara Elemetery. My typical day would be working on our daily language in the morning. Then we read a book called S.O.R.Losers. After that, we work in our practice book and write our personal narrative and go back to our practice book and read from our “California Treasures” book. Then we go out to recess to play a sport like volleyball ,kickball ,teatherball ,and basketball. After that we go to Mrs.Aguilar’s math class for 30 minutes. Then we go to lunch give them our ticket and eat until they dismiss us from the lunch benches. Then we go to our second recess and play our game and go back to class ,work on some work and when it is 2:19 we leave school and go back the next day.

  15. Dear Pen Pal,
    How have you been over there in Puerto Rico?Remember every week I send you a letter.One thing is for sure it’s sunny over there at Puerto Rico.Today I am going to write about what I do in a Magnet School.It is different than a regular school.We have never talked about that,”so this week we will be broadcasting SCHOOL!I want to make it interesting,,because I’ve never told you about my typical,colorful,fantastic,wonderful,and stupendous school.The first most important thing I do is get ready in line to “learn”,I am the line leader.The next thing I do is take out my math homework from Mrs.Aguilar’s fun,and amazing math class.My classroom is beautiful,smart,and magnificent like Mrs.Aguilar classroom too.By the way my teacher’s name is Mrs.Ngai she is super cool and nice,so is Mrs.Aguilar.Some of my classmates go to another teacher and some of the classmates from the students that are with that teacher go to someone else.Every day we have to do our Daily Language. For example will you put them books in the self and then re-write the sentence with no mistakes,so it can make sense.After we finished doing our daily language Mrs.Ngai or the students read a book called S.O.R. Losers out loud.Then when we are done at 8:00 – 8:30 it’s time for the students who are not in that classroom go to their original classroom or teacher.After we finish with those things we read a story from our California Treasures book.Every week we have a new story.You have to re-read or keep reading the story,when you are done you have to do the questions about the story in the C.T. book.Then we do some work pages in our practice books called Workbooks Practice.We practiced things from Language Arts.We practiced things from Language Arts.When we finished doing everything and it’s almost time for recess we take out our math class supplies.For our math class.The next thing you know it’s time for recess.We go to recess where it say’s that our area will be in that week.For example Volleyball, Handball,and Kickball.It’s fun and you take a break from all that learning. It’s the same thing for lunch just that you eat food.When the bell rings we get our stuff and line up to go to Mrs.Aguilar.We learn and practice int he unit we are in.I love math because you can solve problem and get a prize.We even get to write on the smart board(board you can connect to the computer into a board and write on it.) When we finish we go back to the classroom to do Science(AH-SOME). We learn about all kinds of things in Science.If we finish with Science the teacher will read the B.F.G,Big Friendly Giant.It talk about this girl get up in the witch hour and see’s a giant and he takes her away.The giant didn’t eat her for now…..She reads the book with expression.It’s 2:19 pm. and it’s time to go home.That what a typical day would be a t school.
    Sincerely your friend,
    Andrea Hernandez
    P.S. Thanks for the post card

  16. A Typical Day at School
    Dear Pen Pal,
    I get up and eat breakfast. Then I go to school to get in line. I go inside the class after the bell rang. I do math. Then I go to recess. I go to Mrs Ngai’s class after the bell rings for Technology. Then we go to lunch. After lunch we go back inside the classroom and we do science. They pass out our homework so we could go home. When school’s over we stay after school to practice our thriller dance. Then the parent’s pick up their children.

  17. Dear Pen Pal,

    A typical day in schoolwould be first line up go to class read S.O.R Losers learnreading,math,and spelling for spellingw use our Practice Work Book.Then we go to recess.After recess we go to recess we go to Ms.Nagi and we learn writing.After Ms.Nagi we go to lunch recess.After lunch we learn more math then we practice Thriller and go home.

    Your friend,

    Lidia Hernandez

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