Your “Bucket List”

Make a “bucket list.”  What are all the things you would like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?

bucket list

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About Mrs. Ngai

My name is Mrs. Ngai and I am currently a 5th grade teacher in the Math, Science, Technology Magnet at Montara Elementary School. I love using technology in the classroom and am really excited about using this blog with my students! In addition to technology, I also love chocolate, traveling, learning new languages, and trying new food from many different cultures!

12 thoughts on “Your “Bucket List”

  1. 1.I want to go sky diving.
    2.I want to get a good job.
    3.I want to live in Chicago and spend my whole life were my dad was born.
    4.I want to buy a big house and a lot of money.
    5.I want to be a cop.

  2. 1Iwant to live Beverly Hills.
    2I want live in a big house.
    3I want to travel the world.
    4I want to have a good job.
    5I want tohave a car of the year.
    6I want to new language.
    7I want to have a dog.
    8I want to live with my family.

  3. Here is my bucket list
    1 go to paris
    2 learn to speak 5 languages
    3 climb Mount Everest
    4 run a marathon
    5 learn to surf
    6 climb the Statue of Liberty
    7 learn to ski
    8 learn to ice skate
    9 visit a famous art museum
    10 visit the White House
    11 visit the Golden Gate Bridge

  4. 1.learn to be a better piano player
    2.go on scary rollercoasters the presedent
    4.swim in the ocaen
    5.visit newyork
    6.go to a baseball dogers game
    7.learn to be better at math
    8. travel the whole world
    9.see the galaxy a artest

  5. here is my bucket list
    1 visit paris france
    2 go to knott’s
    3 visit new york
    4 have a puppy
    5 go to a museum with my family
    6 have a car
    7 be a docter
    8 visit famous people
    9 learn how to cook
    10 go to the Staples Center
    11 desighn like my sister
    12 go to new places
    13 learn how to swim

  6. I want to
    1.Go to Paris France
    2.See famous people
    3.Meet the presedint of the us
    4.Have good job
    5. Be my two sisters role model

  7. Be an olimpian waterpolo player and swimmer Meet presedint Go to hoduras Be teacher Go to space Try new foods. Learn how to ski an surfboard Have lottts off money$$$$$$$$$$$

  8. I want to ….
    1. Go to England and Hawwii=
    2. Go to the Olypics
    3. Meet more swims athletes like: Micheal Phelps
    ( I already met Ryan Lochte and Jason Lezack!)
    4. Be a Lawyer or a Professional Swimmer
    5. Go to a Benjing Games for Swimming and Gymnastics
    6. Live in Hollywood or Pasadena
    7. Have a mansion
    8. Go to the White House
    9. Be a famous cook (like Racheal Ray)
    10. Go to the Statue of Liberty
    11. Learn 6 diffrent languages

  9. 1 I would like to go to Japan.
    2 I would like to go to China.
    3 I would like to go to India.
    4 I wold like to learn many different languages.
    5 I would like to go to Harbor college.
    6 I would like to go the the Statue of Liberty.
    7 I would like to go to New York.
    8 I would like to go to Hawaii.
    9 I would like to go to Las Vegas.
    10 I would like to go to Mexico.
    11 I would like to get a good business.
    12 I would like to get a big house with a pool.

  10. 1.I want to go around the world
    2.I want to learn three diffrent languages
    3.I want to live on the mountins

  11. 1. I want to live in a mansion
    2. Met the president of the United States of America
    3. I want to have a pen house in Hawaii
    4. I want to climb the Statue of Liberty
    5. Have the biggest pool in the world
    6. Be a big Hollywood star (WALK IN THE RED CARPET!!)
    7. Be a pop star and be very famous
    8. Learn how to speak 8 languages
    9. Have my own T.V show
    10. Be a actrices and start in movies
    11. Visit all 50 of our states
    12. I want to have a family
    13. Also be a Fashion Designer (Can’t really tell what I want to be?)
    14. I want live in Hollywood
    15. Have a Island named after me 🙂
    16. Be given the noble Peace Prize
    17. Help people that are in need
    18. Donate money to charities and Hospitals
    19. Help to find a cure for Cancer

    .Those are something I b want to do before I kick the bucket.

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